Dark Day For Hands On Music-Movie Buyers

Tower Records, a definite iconic chain of stores known for it's wide selection is soon to be no more. I've bought my music and movies from Amazon etc but it's not the same as going to the store and browsing. Sad day.
I'm one of the lucky ones: I've got Amoeba Records on the corner of Highland and Sunset. It's a music lover's paradise.

I admit don't know where you guys live, but the best buys in most of the chicago area actually have had more of the movies and CD's, ESPECIALLY DVD-A,
And SACD in stock than both the large tower stores by me.. Now it is true that if a certain artist had some less popular Albums out, that tower would likely have a few stocked over the more popular albums, where as Best buy would only keep a Copy or 2 if lucky. But I found nothing at tower anymore in the last 5 years, special box sets etc.. were the only thing I would try to find, and all of a sudden ONLY best buy had them. But I would believe the Towers in California etc.. might have been much better. Of course tower 10 15 years ago was the top dog, no argument, but they never changed with the times in my area.
...Tower 10 15 years ago was the top dog, no argument, but they never changed with the times in my area.
Undertow (System | Threads | Answers)
Nor in S. California. The root cause of their demise.
Tower Records a music store? Give me a break. They sold magazines from Home and Garden to Guns and Ammo,they sold tickets to ANY event in town not just music, they sold movies and perfume. Tower stopped being just a Music store along time ago. Rather than offer competitive prices they started selling everything that wasn't music to balance the books and it failed. Bad advice is what did them in along with the internet. I still buy CD's at brick and mortar stores and they are alot cheaper than Tower has been in ten years. Their demise started back in the mid nineties when a lawsuit aledging gay and lesbian hassasement to employees and not promoting them into management was filed.They were boycotted and they never recovered.
Qdrone, I was gonna say that the only good thing left at tower was the HUGE Magazine selection and the fact it was the easiest place by my house to get Tickets! I just did not want to start anymore wars, But your right that does not warrent the best record store award. Funny thing is now I gotta go to other worst cost place for tickets in the mall, FYE now does Ticketmaster...