Mercury Living Presence

I have a few Mercury Living Presence label CDs. I've found I have an affinity for what I've heard on this label in terms of recording quality, in particular for the vintage of the original recordings. I was listening to the MLP recording of The Nutcracker recently and was semi blown away.

Does anyone else share my affinity for these recordings? Are they all equally well recorded? Which are the best?

What about the original vinyl recordings, which I have not heard. Are these any good?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmapman
I have a sampler of Living is very dynamic me that is what makes it so good.....sadly, most recorded music is compressed so that it can play better on mediocre home hi-fi....compression takes the life out of the music.
As a avid audio/music fan, perhaps even audiophile, I'm increasingly becoming aware that despite the inherent dynamic range advantages of digital recording, compression is becoming more and more the norm with modern recordings due to mass marketing effects. It is perhaps the most disturbing and ironic trend I can think of in regards to the music industry and how it serves what I would call the high end listening community, as represented largely on this site. Its ironic in the sense that even as the technology to enable great recordings improves, the results, by design, are increasingly mediocre.

Unfortunately, I guess it is what it is. Thankfully there are still some niche recording shops that focus on producing the best sonic product possible.
Mapman--what you state is certainly the case with pop recordings, which are compressed so they will sound good on the radio. Most classical labels have less compression issues, unless you listen to them on your radio, in which case the radio station compresses the recording for you. Telarc is probably the modern label most akin to the spirit of the Mercuries in terms of trying to get the dynamics of a performance on tape uncompressed, but I tend to agree with Shadorne that most other companies' recordings sound dynamically compressed compared to the Mercuries. This is particularly true when comparing vinyl pressings; that was a hallmark of the Mercury label.

By the way, despite the theoretical advantages of the digital recording medium in terms of dynamic range over analog, for some reason the most dynamic recordings in my collection are the vinyl versions. Comparing the Classic Records re-issue of the Mercury Firebird against even the SACD of the same recording, the vinyl just seems to be more natural, vibrant and have more dynamic punch than the SACD or CD--more of a "jump factor", as we used to call it. Not sure why, but it just seems that way to me, and I think also to a lot of others.