Synth/Electronic LP recommendations

After picking up Kraftwerk's "Minimum-Maximum" and Gary Neuman's "Replicas" this past year, I'd like to get some other LP's of synth-based music. Any suggestions?
It's tough to find clean copies but anything by Synergy aka Larry Fast. My personal fav is "Electronic Realizalions For a Rock Orchestra".

Larry's web address is:
I second the Synergy recommendation. Also there was a band called FM that had two releases in the late 70's that I really liked also, their first lease was the best.
You might try Nectar also but I haven't listen to those albums in years.
Very cool guys - keep 'em coming! A number of these LP's/groups I've never heard of.

How about some things that fall in the Prog or Avant Garde realm? I always liked the sound of analog synths on albums that I grew up with - Yes, ELP, early Genesis.