New to Classical Music - Album to try first??

Hi all,
I have a very important question to ask..

I know good music with talented people and good recording when I hear it..and I have good ears..

When I listen to an artist that I haven't heard before, It is actually very easy to tell if you will like their music...If you hear a few cuts that you want to listen to AGAIN, that is the start of listen to the cuts again and you start having favorites.. on good albums you will have a couple of real favorites, on great albums you may have 5 or more you are really on to something...a nice music excursion.

That is exactly the way that most good music comes into my life, and I would think that it is much the same for most audiophiles..

I listen to classic rock, jazz & female jazz singers, some country and many kinds of other music..I am open to all music by talented people and especially love well recorded, dynamic examples on a good system..

Now here's the question.
I have NEVER listened to classical music, but I would like to try some now..
What one album would you suggest for me to try first?
- It has to start somewhere..

Please take your time to answer..and I will borrow or buy the one most suggested, and am looking forward to it..

Try the Brandenburg Concertos by J.S. Bach. On CD my favourites are the Benjamin Britten version and the Naxos set. On vinyl, if you can find it, Karl Ristenpart conducting on the Nonesuch label. There are a lot of recordings of these pieces, as many as there are of the Vivaldi Four Seasons I bet, so there are other good ones too, but the ones I suggest are all very lively.
Go to this site. It gives a good and varied selection of the top 10 and top 20 classical recordings. You can also use it to explore by classical period or by specific composer.