John Lennon, 29 years ago today....

John Lennon not only changed the face of popular music his influence also changed the way we live our lives.
It's undeniable.
helped change the face of music.yes some of you peolpe should not be able to own hi fi. its just too smart for your little brains
"Changed the way we live our lives? Absolutely not."

Well, he was the founder of The BEatles. Did The BEatles change any lives you think?
The Beatles were a musical group.If a musical group changed your life,you must have had a miserable existence.
"If a musical group changed your life,you must have had a miserable existence."

They didn't, but seemed to have a big effect on the world in general when I was a kid.

I tend to think the world would be different somehow today if there were no Beatles. There definitely would have been no Beatles withot John Lennon. Hard to say....maybe things would have turned out differently, maybe not.

They were just a music group yes but undoubtedly one of the major cultural influences of the latter 20th century. I do not think there is any denying that? It is well documented.

Tis the season for "It's a Wonderful Life", I suppose.

You comments are right on!!
I agree with you 100%.
His messages become even more relevant as time passes.