John Lennon, 29 years ago today....

John Lennon not only changed the face of popular music his influence also changed the way we live our lives.
It's undeniable.
it just go to show you . you can't fix stupid. thanks for all your insight. attention walmart shoppers. why don't u guys download some lady gaga
PBS had a recent special about the influence of the Beatles on Russia. In short, the people of Russia give a great deal of credit to the Beatles as a amjor force in bringing down the Iron Curtain. In my opinion, their influence was so significant to so many people that It's proposterous when someone says they were just a "rock and roll band".
He should have stayed at home in the UK, then he would still be alive today, and probably be a 'Sir', or maybe would have received an MBE, OBE, CBE, from her Royal Highness Liz II or even a CDM (cadbury's dairy milk),lol.....
He should have stayed in England because there are way too many angry, lost, and inhuman people in America. And of course, we will always have the insensitive buffoons in our midst.
Correct, Cyclonicman. England is incapable of producing "angry, lost, and inhumane people".