John Lennon, 29 years ago today....

John Lennon not only changed the face of popular music his influence also changed the way we live our lives.
It's undeniable.
One thing to remember about what you read about John Lennon is that any writer ( Goldman, etc. ) only write's about the highlights or specific incidents. As far as being cruel or having strange behavior, those oft published incidents were a very small part of Lennon's actual life. Think about all the days in which he wasn't drunk or on drugs or laying in bed in front of TV cameras. With the scrutiny he was under his whole adult life is it really surprising a few days of behavior each year were made public. How many of us could withstand such scrutiny or our entire lives be based on a few "colorful" incident spanning 20 years ( Goldman )?
The morning Lennon was shot, I had gone to the building across the street from the Dakota to have two wisdom teeth removed. I saw some crowds gathering there but hadn't yet heard about the shooting.

So, I went into the dental surgeons office and had general anesthetic for the removal. Two hours or so later, feeling a bit high and woosey, I went outside and saw a huge crowd, and people were singing his songs!

I know I was still high since my thoughts were: Isn't that nice, all these people came out just for me, for my wisdom teeth removal, and they're singing just for me! Isn't that nice! People really are wonderful!

True story.

One more thing: With the crowds there, I couldn't get a cab so I hopped on a bus that came by on Central Park West. On the bus I wondered why people were giving me funny looks and moving away from me. Then I go home and found out why when I looked in the mirror. Blood was dripping down my chin (like a vampire) onto my shirt and had made a big blood stain on my shirt.
Revolver.....Rubber Soul.....Sgt. Pepper's.....Abbey Road.....Double Fantasy.....Imagine.....Help !!.....Hard Day's Night.....WOW !!! As Yoko wondered, "John was an artist. Why would anyone want to kill an artist ?"