Can you recommend some classical CD's for me?

I don't have any classical CD's in my collection.
There is so much product out there, I don't know where to start.
I would like preferrably SACD but not totally necessary if the redbook CD is well recorded.
I don't want any vocals.
I am not a big fan of large classical orchestras.
I like classical guitar, I enjoy the cello.
I guess more stringed instrument related, instrumental classical music.
Thanks Glen
Milpai has the idea! Compilations are always a great introduction to variety of different composers works.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
I found a used Julian Bream CD today.
Called Baroque Guitar
Says it was recorded in 1965.
Sounds very nice and mellow so far.
I am going to look for some of the other titles suggested.
Thanks again Glen
There is so much to recommend I would not know where to start. But given my taste for Beethoven, small ensemble music, and stellar SACD recordings, I heartily recommend
Beethoven Piano Trio, Op. 97 ("Archduke"); Piano Trio, Op. 1, No. 3 by the Kempf Trio on MCH SACD.

Also check out the various recordings by the Katona Twins (on guitar) on SACD. I particularly like their Piazolla disc.
I find this to be a beautiful ,pretty well recorded hybrid SACD,Living stereo,Ravel,Daphnis Et Chloe/,not an SACD,but well recorded is Bach:The Art of Fugue,By Emerson String Quartet!