Can you recommend some classical CD's for me?

I don't have any classical CD's in my collection.
There is so much product out there, I don't know where to start.
I would like preferrably SACD but not totally necessary if the redbook CD is well recorded.
I don't want any vocals.
I am not a big fan of large classical orchestras.
I like classical guitar, I enjoy the cello.
I guess more stringed instrument related, instrumental classical music.
Thanks Glen
Thanks for all the suggestions.
I found a used Julian Bream CD today.
Called Baroque Guitar
Says it was recorded in 1965.
Sounds very nice and mellow so far.
I am going to look for some of the other titles suggested.
Thanks again Glen
There is so much to recommend I would not know where to start. But given my taste for Beethoven, small ensemble music, and stellar SACD recordings, I heartily recommend
Beethoven Piano Trio, Op. 97 ("Archduke"); Piano Trio, Op. 1, No. 3 by the Kempf Trio on MCH SACD.

Also check out the various recordings by the Katona Twins (on guitar) on SACD. I particularly like their Piazolla disc.
I find this to be a beautiful ,pretty well recorded hybrid SACD,Living stereo,Ravel,Daphnis Et Chloe/,not an SACD,but well recorded is Bach:The Art of Fugue,By Emerson String Quartet!
It all starts with Mozart. I have the entire Telarc collection with Charles Mackerras conducted Mozart symphonies performed by the Prague Chamber Orchestra. Great sound of outstanding performances. I can't imagine not enjoying any of these symphonies. Music simply flowed from Mozart. Once you've come to love Mozart, moving on to Haydn and Beethoven will get you permanently hooked. It's music that remains fresh and vital no matter how often you listen to it. It defines civilization.