Zappa question

I've always admired the playing of his bands, never particularly loved the music. Recently spun up "Burnt Weenie Sandwich" after reading about it here on 'gon and something finally registered. It's now in regular rotation, with "Guitar" up next.

Where would you point me after that?


I really like "Imaginary Diseases" which is a collection of live instrumentals released a couple of years ago. The recording is excellent. Go to Amazon and listen to a sample of the title track and "Montreal". I think this is one of Zappa's most accessible recordings and really showcases his ability to improvise on guitar which is why he is a music icon.
Thanks to all who've taken the time to offer advice. Collectively, I'm pretty comfortable that this group intimately knows the terrain in the Zappa sandbox - so I'm off to CDconnection. You've give me quite a lot to digest (and even more to buy). I look forward to any additional thoughts sent my way.


Check out "Weasels Ripped My Flesh" and the track, Orange County Lumber Truck. Also, the movie soundrack recording from "2000 Motels". Frank was a genious. Glad "Burnt Weenie Sandwich" clicked for you. It has long been a favorite of mine. I love AyBeSea and The Little House I Used to Live In. In my opinion, "Reuben and the Jets" is one of the most romantic albums ever recorded. From "Uncle Meat", the King Kong tracks are worth special attention. Check out, "Yellow Shark" and "Strictly Genteel", as well.
How about Mothers Fillmore East?

So much good material. A prolific musician. Tremendous diversity.

Pick up a biography and read about him. A pretty amazing guy. Definitely will gain greater insight about the man. I read Zappa by Barry Willis, not this best book I ever read but informative.

