Do you ration your favorite music?

When I find some new music that is outstandingly good and that is also exceptionally well recorded, I find myself rationioning my listening to it. I try to avoid over playing it to make sure I dont spoil it for myself. I think this might be one of the drivers for the size of my collection. How about you?
Yes, familarity can breed contempt, so to speak! I burned out on quite a few recordings and learned the hard way. I now have many treasured pieces that I rarely listen to so when I go back to them they are still fresh. Eva Cassidy is a great example (for me) I think.
It depends on the music. If it's new music, something I just discovered, I tend to play it until I fully absorb it. This can take a few weeks of once a day plays. If it's one of the "classic" recordings I will listen to it when I'm in the mood for a good listen. What I mean by classics is an album I have come to really enjoy for both the artistic qualities as well as the recording quality. Holly Cole's "Temptation" is an example.
I'm sure not lately. One of if not my favorite bands is Golden Earring. About 98% of what has been coming through my speakers lately has been them. I've been loving it but have wondered if I should back off as not to tire of what is an oustanding output of material since the late 60's.
Mike60, I know exactly what you mean. I do the same thing. A little voice says "don't play that now, you just listened to it a couple days ago, it's too good to risk getting bored with it, wait awhile." Of course, sometimes that little voice gets overruled by another little but louder voice that says "on the other hand, you could die in your sleep tonight so why deprive yourself now?"