Do you ration your favorite music?

When I find some new music that is outstandingly good and that is also exceptionally well recorded, I find myself rationioning my listening to it. I try to avoid over playing it to make sure I dont spoil it for myself. I think this might be one of the drivers for the size of my collection. How about you?
" Familiarity can breed contempt " LOL. I'm somewhat the opposite, when I hear some music I like I just can't get enough of it, and go from liking it to loving it.
YES!!! Once per day is my rule. I can make the fun last for months. Sometimes, with truly exceptional works, even years. After awhile the emotional 'high' is gone, even if you enjoy the music, so for me this is really special. I have been able to connect with some Tull albums for years on an almost daily basis. That connection would've expired much more quickly if I'd have played them records over and over again looking for a quick thrill.
Well, I don't ration myself, but I hardly ever listen to the same thing more than once in any short time (days?). When I listen to something I really like, it also makes me think of other things that would be good to listen to, and so I'm wanting to hear something else after enjoying a particular album. As the music changes, so does my mood, so it may be a while before I get back to something I recently listened to, but I put on whatever I feel like at the time without consideration of whether or not I played it recently.