More recordings like "The Trinity Sessions"?

Apparently the group just set up and began to play and record. Are there more examples other than concerts that were made this way? I'm aware that at one time that was the way it was done but am asking about more recent recordings.
You could easily have a Canadian band thread. Frazey Ford could have her own thread. Amazingly talented girl.

"My Aim Is True was recorded at Pathway Studios, Islington in a total of Twenty four hours studio time and at a cost of 2000 pounds. As I still had my "day-job" these sessions had to take place on "sick days" and holidays during late 1976 and early 1977. The musicians were members of the Marin county band Clover, who could not be credited at the time due to contractual reasons. The producer was Nick Lowe,"
Anything by Richard and Linda Thompson should fit the bill. First it is live and Linda's voice sounds simalar.