Do you believe everything you read on the internet

I have been running across articles ranging in subjects: technical articles on DIY, on what makes a good cable, what makes a good speaker design, etc.

Problem is many of these articles seem to have erroneous, misleading, false, or downright decietful facts contained within them.

It seems like anyone with an opinion and access to a webpage builder can put out any kind of info they want.

Anyone ever experienced this? When was the first time that you realized not all the info you were coming across was accurate?
Yes, everything on the net is true. In fact Elvis lives about a block away from me, very close to the woman with the giant squash in the shape of the baby Jesus and Audio Research is owned by members of the former KGB.
This is why one should do their own research and come to their own conclusions. Having said that, it is not hard to seek out and find those who's opinions you can trust and respect, even if you don't completely agree with them. Sean
when people/reviewers state they have the best sounding system/component they ever heard. time to hit the delete or back key when encountering this type of thread especially when what they have or auditioning is so-so equipment in a so-so environment.
Comrade, Viridian, Nyet, Nyet!

Viridian is only making a jokeski about us, er, I mean zee Ex-KGB, owning Audio Research! Ha Ha Ha! Very Funny, yes?!

Viridian, you don't seem to be answering the door.
Please let the nice men in zee black trench coats come in and help you. They are only wish to help you move in those large speakers you bought. (If you look out zee window, you will see the large coffin sized boxes in zee back of the white van.)

Viridian, be a nice tovarish, and open zee door now!