Do you believe everything you read on the internet

I have been running across articles ranging in subjects: technical articles on DIY, on what makes a good cable, what makes a good speaker design, etc.

Problem is many of these articles seem to have erroneous, misleading, false, or downright decietful facts contained within them.

It seems like anyone with an opinion and access to a webpage builder can put out any kind of info they want.

Anyone ever experienced this? When was the first time that you realized not all the info you were coming across was accurate?
I posted two threads last night and I'm surprised they took off so fast. But wait a second... pro wrestling is fake?
I tend not to believe anything from a source when I have no knowledge of the source's motivation. I just file it away for background. Around here your financial survival and mental health requires as much - caveat emptor rules!

'taint just the net, I became a cynic when I discovered there was no real Santa. Oops, hope that didn't offend anyone. :-)
Finally your "voice"...
Glad hearing from you...

I happen to test-drive Bentley Continental '2005 coupe and found that despite it's all hand-made it's simply piece of s...t the way it's built(water leaks when rainy, suspention problems i.e. ball joints strats after only 9 kmi driving in Miami). Not even close to '91 Caddy Fleetwood Brougham'454 but costs 5x cheaper.

The point is that you shouldn't believe that folks who build speakers in their basement just by listening tests 'cause they might not sound great in your room. Who you should trust is the special labs that build speakers to a measured presicion of the sound.

Same thing to all other equipment you could ever think of...

So the algorithm is very simple:

Note to Self: Mmmh.... this is not good. Biomimetic suspects something.

To Biomimetic: "Don't be surprised your threads took off. You must have a flair for this kinda thing... I mean be realistic...come on, you can't really suspect an internet conspiracy to respond, monitor and control you...that would be ridiculous!

To Biomimetic: "By the way do tell me... did you dream of Mars again?"

Note to Self: Must call Cohaagen right away.
Hey if pro wrestling is so fake how come they always break tables???????? hahaha