Furniture polish vs. Walker ultra vivid on cd's

I have been using furniture polish on my cd's for a couple years now. I have been happy with the more analog sound it creates. Better focus, less harsh and such.

I never knew what the expensive products such as Walker ultra vivid and others would be like in comparison. I figured at 68 times more expensive the Walker type products have to be better.

Well, I finally bought some Walker ultra vivid and was eager to see what I've been missing the last couple years. My wife actually did the comparison with me. We did this using a cd cleaner to reclean the cd afterwards and did the comparison several times to verify our findings of the two products.

It was intersting, but my wife said it first that the Walker did not sound as good. She said it even before I had a chance to say it first that the female voice on one of the songs had a harshness. I agreed with the same findings. Simply, the Walker was more fatigueing with the digital brightness.

Now, I would have liked to of tried several of the other types of cd fluids during this same time, but I at least knew that the furniture polish over the last two years was not a waste of time.

I am curious if anyone has tried something that works good like furniture polish or did some type of comparisons.

Shine Ola is a pure cleaner made by Record Research Lab. Very useful for removing mold-release compound. I use it prior to treating discs with Jena Labs 3D-X, which I've found to be the best treatment out there--and I've tried and owned most of them.
The problem that 'someting' might create a problem 10 years down the road is interesting.
ten years from now:
The 23,823 people still alive after an alien ship sprays a virus throughout the world aren't worried about what thier Cds look like!!
Your kids threw out your CDs after the funeral. Too bad you were hit be a meteor while vacationing in the Bahamas...
You wife has them. You are now divorced... She has the house, the kids, your second car, the boat, your stereo AND the van, and gets $13,000/mo alimony. You also are no longer worried about CDs, all your money is going into the lawyers pockets, fighting the molestation charges..
You tinnetus is so bad after that nearby terrorist explosion, that you can't think of trying to listen to music ever again. It just makes you weep. (After another 10 years you start to recover, and listen THROUGH the noises in your head.)
Right after building the perfect house to hold the perfect system, it burns to the ground. The investigator says it is arson, and that YOU did it. The insurance co. will not cover it. you are now living in a discarded FEMA trailer, spending all your money to sue the insurance co, and defend yourself.
You are on your way to see a performance at the opera. Some punk demands your wallet at gunpoint. He's nervous and shoots you by accident before you can even get it out. The bullet blow away 1/3 of your brain. After three years of recovery, you cab slur a few words, can walk a few steps with assitance. Your whole world consists of 'what is to eat'...
there are many, many more negative possible outcomes in ten years time. Enjoy what you got today.
(am I EVIL or what???)