USB 2.0 does 96Hz?

I have heard a rumor that unlike USB 1.1 which is limited to 48Hz, USB 2.0 will transmit up to 96Hz. True?
I never had any problems streaming 24/96Khz data to my Benchmark DAC1USB using the USB1.1 protocol. USB 2.0 is supposed to go up to 192KHz with the right drivers and hardware.
Thanks for the replies.

Me Bad - I forgot the "k" in "kHz". I must have subwoofers on my mind.
USB should do 24 bit at 96khz, but it is not very stable. You are much better off going to firewire, or use a pro card that has AES/EBU digital out to connect your DAC to.

Apogee and others have dropped their USB 24/96 converters due to issues with the signal.
USB should do 24 bit at 96khz, but it is not very stable.

Benchmark and Wavelength are both using USB at 24/96 with good success. In running high-rez flies into the Benchmark I have not had a a problem or instability ever.
I'm using 24/96 over USB 1.1 without any problems with both my Benchmark DAC1 USB and my Ayre QB-9.

Perhaps those who are claiming USB can't support 24/96 should give some examples of the problems they've personally had when trying to use it, assuming they actually have any experience with it at all. :-)