What is an Audiophile?

Jax2, I think put up a link to a series of definitions, but I wonder what the Audiogon community considers an Audiophile.
Just received March edition of TAS. On the Back Page Barry Willis has a wonderful answer to this question. He sure nailed me.
one who keep his gears for no more then a month,and when the music is on,he cant hear the music,only noise from tubes,power conditioner/power cord etc..sound familiar anyone?
OK: I couldn't find a link to The Absolute Sound column, "You might be an audiophile...", but out of the list of 16 defining characteristics, here are a couple I identified with: You might be an audiophile "If you spend more time thinking about your system than you do thinking about sex...", and "If you have a garage/attic/basement full of pricey gear that no longer cuts the sonic mustard but is too precious to part with...", and "If you have ever spent 90% of your annual bonus on a stereo component and then lied to your wife about the cost...". Oh, here's a couple more: "If your music library consists of superb recordings of mediocre performances..." and finally, "If you have ever put a compact disc in the freezer overnight in the belief that "cryogenic treatment" would make it sound better....". Lots of other good ones, but I've already admitted too much!