What is an Audiophile?

Jax2, I think put up a link to a series of definitions, but I wonder what the Audiogon community considers an Audiophile.
She'll find out when she sets her hot teacup on it to protect the antique side table.
Tireguy, I'd revise that a bit to say "someone who enjoys music but is driven mad by continually perceived shortcomings of the reproduction of it". I'd argue that most audiophiles love music but are hounded by the imperfections of their, or anyone's, system. You got me thinking Tim -- that's always dangerous ...

PBB, doesn't that describe most politicians too???
the meaning of the term has evolved and today means different things to different people. i wouls hope it mean the following ......'one who owns the finest high fidelity equipment they can afford,as a means to enjoy and collect music software.' thats pretty straight forward.