Audio Icon/Idol - Who would you like to meet?

What audio icons/idols would you like to meet? Someone that you regard as an important keyperson in audio development.

I would like to have a chat with:

John Bowers - B&W Speakers, regarding the Matrix 801
Peter Walker - Everything about QUAD
Saul Marantz - His idea of a perfect amplifier
Raymond Cooke - Regarding the KEF 105rr speaker

Dewald Visser
Herve Delatraz from Dartzeel for his discovery of the subtle tiny overlooked details that are required in layout of a circuit to produce one of the best sounding amps of the world. It took him decades to design it and I would love to hear more about his empirical methodology.

David Wilson of Wilson Audio for being able to not only make great speakers but to be forward-looking to the degree that he has demonstrated. I would love to meet such a deft businessman who has made it in such a fickle field.

Being a bit of a history nut,I'd like to have met the guys from the old days. The ones that come to mind are Avery Fisher,Saul Marantz,Henry Kloss,and Manfred Schroeder.

And I almost forgot Thomas Edison.
Lets not forget the guys at the console and responsible for the technical quality in what we hear. Here a few of the greats;
Doug Sax
George Massenburg
Bob Katz
Alan Parsons
Bob Ludwig
David Lord
Quincy Jones
Jack Renner
Chuck Ainlay
James Guthrie