Do you say Thank You?

I'd like to know the experience of Audiogoners who have emailed members privately for information or advice. If you receive a careful and considered reply to your question, do you acknowledge the reply with a thank you? I try to do so. It's proper etiquette, isn't it?

My experience is that more than half do not.

Why do you suppose that is?
I'm astounded by the amount of people who don't even include their names - not even a first name.
Trelja (Threads | Answers)
Indeed. What's up with that?
Thank God, and my parents, that I learned this lesson very early in life! I'm lavish with my "thank-you"s and appreciate it when other are as well.
These are most likely the same individuals who respond to your classified with I will take it and are never heard from again. Can you say Ignorance.
Yes, I have emailed members privately for information or advice. I usually get a response and I always send a thank you email back. If I make a purchase based on their advice, I email them with what I did (like purchased brand x). Cheers....
"Class" is sorely lacking in today's electronic correspondence as is courtesy,