What Are They Talking About?

I've noticed that there are two different threads about preamps that seemed to be powered by the Energizer Bunny. They just keep going and going. Occasionally I've tried to read either of the threads, but to completely honest, I can't make heads or tails of what they are discussing. It's like starting to watch "Lost" in the middle of season two. There's like a private language going on. Could someone give a synopsis of what the threads are discussing. I'm just curious.

Ever so grateful!
I dont know how many dont know how to do this but glad to help, it is a great feature.
Chadnliz - I'm with Kublakhan that's great!! I've occasionally wondered what that was - How the heck did you ever figure that out? Did you actually read the help file? Is there other helpful stuff in there we should know about? (ya, i know I could look myself, but...)
I just click and try things..I am one of those guys who thinks I dont need to read manuals, sometimes I am very wrong lol!