performance vs. resale

How much does the ease of resale factor into your decision to buy a product? Many times I'm tempted to buy a piece of very interesting or highly rated equipment from a very obscure brand, but then I hesitate, knowing I may have to "eat it" when it comes to resale...have any of you been burned badly trying to re sell rare equipment ?
I'd NEVER buy anything I couldn't resell for close to what I paid for it within 30 days.
I tend to lean toward Pawlowski6132's sentiments, although I haven't always followed the advice.

Several times in my own enthusiasm I have overestimated the demand of a component only to later take a significant loss.

I try very hard to limit these experiences. The sonics are rarely worth the fiscal penalty.
For me? The wonderful sonics are worth the fiscal penalty. If you buy used: $$ hardship usually won't be a problem.
Buying used keeps the ratio reasonable. I tend to buy and hold, so it's not a big issue to me, so my equipment is a mix of new and used.

To the extent that you're uncertain about a component you should lean toward buying used. It's not unusual for high-end components to lose 50% of their value once used, no matter how vaunted the marque.

I'm a bottom-feeder BUT I have found too many great pieces that are "unknown" and are harder to sell (once I've found something even better).

On the otherhand, I have been burnt so badly by cottage designers (like Tube Technologies) to deal with them in the future.