Is this tube sound????

I have just purchased a Jolida 1501 hybrid amp and I need some input from everyone. I've always owned ss amps so I decided to ease into the tubes with the inexpensive Jolida. Vocal artist such as Krall, Buble and others sound great but on other disc such as Kenny Chesney, Billy Joel and Toby Keith the vocals really seem to be in your face with the music not as defined and distinct. My previous amp was a Rotel 1080 and it overall was pretty neutral but a little harsh on the top end. Is this the sound of tube gear or possibly just the actual tubes.

A little more info.... I have Totem Forest speakers and I have a wide variety of music taste at moderate listening levels. I have read that the stock tubes in the Jolida are not great but I didn't want to start the rolling without a little advice.

I'm new to this so I would appreciate any help
The 1501, being an integrated hybrid actually is a SS amp w/ a tube preamp stage. Like you the 1501 was my 1st foray into any kind of tube based gear. What you describe is pretty much what I remember. That was about 7-8 years ago and it is giving you only a slight taste of what tubes can do. It is a pretty good starter amp and I used mine for about a year, but found out there are other options that truely reveal the "magic of tubes". If you roll in some NOS (Telefunken) you will get a more natural sound, but for similar money there are other options in the intgrated tube amp area that will give a better idea of what a tube based sound is.(Remeber the 1501 is a SSamp) I liked it because it had a good solid base drive and a more natural midrange.
The Jolida must put out 100w/ch and the Totem's are 89db effient(?), so an amp with 25-30w/ch should be more than enough to drive the Totem. Don't get me wrong I liked the Jolida & enjoyed it, just that I found others that suited my tastes. I eventually decided that a tube amp is the only way for me. But you should try some better tubes.

Not the clearest answer, hope it helps.
The previous response makes some good points. What is not addressed is the fairly poor production quality of most country albums and that Billy Joel was mostly on CBS which tend to be lifeless recordings unless otherwise.

Mercifully, my wife is unable to listen to her country albums on the current system as it glaringly displays the thinness of the recordings.

The Jolida is very decent for your first foray into the tube world and can be helped as mentioned by upgrade in tubes and also a power cord.
Get rid of it as soon as you can.

Jolida hybrid is not a good start into tubes as it is SS. I had one at one time (NOT SS) and it was a cheap piece of junk.

Audio Note, Wavelength, Art Audio is a good start.

Audio Note OTTO $1600.00 USED will eat the Jolida alive.
your speakers are a difficult match for a tube amp and the hybrid you have is not really representative of what tube magic is all about. the way to go is pick your speakers ( 90db minimum, 8 ohm nominal) and then match up to an amp you like. The Totem's need ss type power because the efficiency is so low...once you have the right speakers there are many tube amp-integrated choices that appear to be in the price range you hint at.
good luck,