

Responses from 478340

The best speaker you ever heard?
ACI Talismans. I've heard way more expensive speakers and many fine systems. But they sounded more real than any other setup I've heard. It was about a year ago and I still remember just how fine they were. Someday, I will own a pair myself! 
Sapphire Audio speakers anyone?
You want a good match for your Jolida? How about the REAL Sapphire from ACI? Wonderful speaker, bet it would be a good match for your Jolly. 
Quality small sub for HT and music
John, I own a Titan and I was able to borrow a friend's force for several months. They do sound identical, and that's a good thing, because they both sound terrific! 
Which Sub Woofer is good for my 2 channel system
ACI Titan or Force. Both are exceptional subs. 
suggestion for amp to go with B&W N803
I've heard the Belles, I would think it would do a fine job with the 803s. Whatever you do, find a way to try any amp you're interested in yourself for a few days. 
Which speakers do you like in the $5K price range?
You want placement friendly? I'd definitely audition a pair of ACI Talismans. I heard them a couple of months back and they are simply phenominal. Some of the finest stereo I've ever experienced. They are unique in featuring a built in parameteric... 
Monitors Mounted On Wall
You'll want a speaker that has a tight, somewhat lean bass response. Putting the speaker close to the wall will bring up the bass level. If the speaker is ported you'd probably want a front ported speaker. My Sapphire III LEs would work pretty wel... 
Musical subs
Do some searches on the forums. You'll see that ACI subs are extremely well regarded and have often been preferred to the more expensive RELs. My observation is that the ONLY reason we don't see the ACI name more often is that they don't advertise... 
What of your gross annual income is your system?
Over 100%! Since I currently have virtually no gross income. Luckily I start the new job after the first of the year. 
do you have a sperate audio and HT system?
I'm still a stereo guy. I did play with putting a T.V. between my speakers a few months ago. Borrowed a mid-price Dolby rec and tried a few movies. It was fun for sure, and actually sounded better to me than a lot of HTs I've heard. The TV screen ... 
Subwoofer for Both Music and HT
The best value by far are the ACI subs. They combine musicality, output and looks. They're also backed by some of the finest customer service in the business. 
Time to replace speakers, suggestions wanted
The 7B is a very good speaker. I've heard on several occasions. Very recently I had the chance to hear the ACI Talisman. All I can say is, this is one terrific speaker. The fellow's listening setup was decent but not spectacular. The room was pret... 
Which sub would you choose?
How about the Aerial? Best sub I've ever heard. $10K for a $700 woofer in a big box? No way. 
What prevents DIY speakers to become the ultimate?
A while back I heard some extremely good DIY speakers. The guy had worked on them for years. He made the comment that had he paid himself minimum wage, he could have bought a fine new car. I believe he had about $1000 in the guts with a few $100 m... 
HELP: Subwoofer for music
If youi live in Europe REL is the leading contender. In the states, ACI subs offer significantly higher value. The $800 Force is easily competitive w the twice as much Strata III.the Titan is better than the Strata and competitive w the Stadium (t...