
Responses from achipo

Atmasphere amps trustable?
P.S. Atmaspheres do like a higher speaker impedance--I use Paul Speltz Zero autoformers as speaker wires, which bring the impedance of my Kef Reference 207/2s up to a respectable ~8 Ohm minimum and 14 Ohm avg which increases the output of the amps... 
Atmasphere amps trustable?
I built a pair of M60s 20 years ago and they're still going strong.  I did send them back to Ralph for an upgrade and to check them out a couple years ago.  I highly recommend them--rock solid performance. 
Wavestream phono
Spiegs,Are you still happy with the Wavestream phono stage?AC 
Phono stages belong to which tier?
Gerry,Are you still happy with the Wavestream phono stage?  I'm considering it as well as an ASR Basis.  How is the background noise level (tube rush, etc.) of the Wavestream?Thanks in advance,AC 
Anybody own or hear the Wavestream linestage?
Lula, Smokester, tm,Are you still happy with your Wavestream phono stage? I just listened to the transcription version with the Wavestream linestage through an Ayre amp (I think) and Harbeth speakers. The combo was very musical and engaging.Thanks,AC 
ASR Basis Exclusive 2010 or Pass Labs XP-25
FM, This is a pretty old post, so not sure if you're still looking or already decided?  Am interested in an update.I'm also looking for a new phono stage.  I'm intrigued by the ASR Basis, as I really want a quiet background and its renowned for th... 
best integrated amp.
You might check out Vinnie Rossi's Lio, which is at the upper end of your range (ok, so a little over), but gets rave reviews.