

Responses from adaug

Low Watt Solid State Amp
to those who have used the monarchy sm-70, does it run hot?thanks -andre 
cabinets for 15" coaxials?
thanks, but never could find the plans on the common sense audo site. "common sense" is sort of a misnomer for how that is laid out.anyone else have any suggestions? regads -andre 
Lector Zoe
i paid about $1300 for a zoe in late '11 and find it well worth that price. a very under-rated preamp. great sound. 
LECTOR ZOE pre A'gon owners /Tube rolling:
do try the 6H30P. i find it delivers a high degree of transparency. 
Best small signal tube for a preamp?
lector zoe fans want to know where the best deals are on the 6H30 DRs.thanks for any help. -ad 
David Yee Tube amps?
thanks. i took the chance on a rebuilt acrosound 20-20. there is a return period, so at least on paper the man stands behind his work. i will try to post impressions here after it arrives. 
David Yee Tube amps?
greetings: i am in the same boat. does anyone have experience with davidyee tube amps?thanks! -andre