
Responses from afh

Stacked/Double Advents..a modern version?
Dunno... It's a bit tough to answer that, the sound is both similar and quite different at the same time. Similar in that the sound, like all maggies is honest. Different in the portrail though. The double MMGs give a different picture of the musi... 
From Maggies 1.6QR to B&W N805. Upgrading or Downgrading?
If your a maggie fan (as I am) and short on room, I wouldn't buy anything else until you try a pair of Magnepan MMGs. Although they cost only $550.00, their honest to the maggie heritage in every way. In some ways, you'll like them better. They do... 
Stacked/Double Advents..a modern version?
Here's the one that gives the ol' double Advent the boot. I happen to have two sets of Magnepan MMGs and an Rel sub for my home theater setup and, having been around audio for over 30 years, I tried the Advent trick a some time ago.The Advents wer...