
Responses from agiaccio

VPI Scout/Scoutmaster cartridge recommendations
When I had my Scoutmaster, I was using the Dynavector DV 20X2 Low MC cart with great results.I'm now using that same cartridge on my Rega RP6.It's an amazing cart for its price! For both turntables, I was using the Linn Uphorik external phono stage. 
the best, cost-no-object, music streamer?
If you don't want to deal with network issues, have a look at the new Bryston BDP-2 digital player. Not only will it stream from a server over the network but it also supports USB devices and the new BDP-2 also supports an internal 2.5-inch hard d... 
Meridian Sooloos or Qsonix? which is better?
No comaprison, the Meridian Sooloos system is much better than the Qsonix system.You should also have a look at the Bryston BDP-1 digital player or even their newer model, the Bryston BDP-2. 
the best, cost-no-object, music streamer?
You can't get better than the latest edition Linn Klimax DS streamer. 
the best, cost-no-object, music streamer?
The latest edition of the Linn Klimax DS! 
Why not get a digital streamer instead and keep your current CDP as a backup? 
Best DAC for Meridian Sooloos
Have a serious look at the new Bryston BDA-2 external DAC. 
Dynavector 10x5 what is next?
If you like the Dynavector sound, then have a serious look (listen) to the Dynavector DV-20X2 MC cart. I'm using it on my new Rega RP6 and it sounds amazing! 
Best cdp under $2,500
Bryston BCD-1 CD player, if you're lucky enough to find one. 
Upgrades to Analog System
You should look at upgrading your Marantz before touching your analog setup. 
Decent entry level turntable?
Since you're just starting out, I would suggest either the Rega RP1 with Performance Pack or the Rega RP3.Theses are great turntables for the money and are truly a "plug-n-play" solution, especially if you order them with a Rega cartridge pre-fitt... 
Have a look at the Ray Samuels Audio F-117 Nighthawk MC/MM phono stage.It's an amazing sounding battery-operated phono stage that provides the ability to change settings on-the-fly, via front mounted knobs (no need to open up the unit). 
Rega P6 anyone?
Let us know how it turns out! 
VPI Customer Service
I'm in the process of upgrading my VPI JMW-9 Signature tonearm to a VPI Classic 3 tonearm and it's been a little over 2 months that I'm waiting for the Classic 3 tonearm to arrive from VPI??? 
converting Rega to balanced output?
What about something like this?