
Responses from airwise

Berning ZH270 vs 845 SET amp
Hmmm,the Berning is not rolled off and soft. It's realistic and natural. Yes I would say it sounds like a powerful GOOD s.e.t. It has a wonderful lack of glare of any kind without losing HF resolution. I have heard a number of very highly rated tu... 
JBL Project Everest DD66000 Reference Speakers
The bass units actually do work in tandem (wired in paralell) below 150hz, the second unit rolling off at 6db per octave above this point.I heard this in Tokyo in October and it is a quite extraordinary loudspeaker that makes much of the oppositio... 
¿has a tact rcs 2.2x a good volume control?
AlesatinThe Tact uses a digital volume control if used with analogue amplifiers. If however you mate it with an S2150, the volume is controlled by the mains voltage supply, ensuring full resolution at all levels. And they are a match made in heaven!