
Responses from andrewmr

Could I be a Retail Wretch?
Ok, here's my 2 cents.As was stated earlier, we need brick and mortar stores.  But at what cost?A few years ago I was looking to upgrade my stereo and went to the local store that had helped me in the past (decades ago).  The salesman was very kno... 
$3000 Speaker Search
Hello abd1,I have not listened to any of the speakers on your list..... I went through a similar process a while back, wanting to upgrade to a nicer pair of speakers and listened to quite a few different systems trying to find the one speaker for ... 
I'm selling speakers for the first time and concerned about fraud
audio_limits              I was out $6,000 plus lost the speakers. First things first.... sorry to hear about your experience.But how can you be out 6 grand and the speakers?  The speakers I understand, they are gone.  But the money.... Wells...