
Responses from anotherone

Best balanced tube preamp for NHT XD System?
Teaman, what did you end up doing? What was your concern with the Sunfire tube pre-amp. I've read good things about them, and was thinking about trying that.So far, I've used an Adcom GFP-750, a Primare PRE30, a B&K PT-3II, and briefly a Sonic... 
Rogue Cronus with KT-90 tubes
I'm surprised that Mark said the KT-90s would be fine. So if one can just swap them in, what else does the Magnum upgrade add?Stevecham - what different did you notice with the JJ KT77s? 
Threshold T3 vs. Adcom GFP-750
Gslone,I've thought about both of those options as well. Constraints have made it a bit difficult to find something for either solution. I think the amp really benefits from balanced input, and I want something with a remote for around $1k or less... 
Threshold T3 vs. Adcom GFP-750
Yes, the people at Primare were also surprised that it sounds bright, but it does! Thanks for the info, I was clearly under the wrong impression! A search has revealed that the PRE30 was the first machine Bladelius designed for Primare. My amp is ...