
Responses from armandito

Monoblock Suggestion?
So far in y list are,Pass 600,Macintosh MC-501,Krell FPB-350mcx,Any more that I should consider? 
Monoblock Suggestion?
out of 314 audiogoners that have read this thread ,only 10 had left any coments :( 
Monoblock Suggestion?
I laready installed huricane panels all over, You should give some advise on the problem on hand :) 
Monoblock Suggestion?
Off topic, there is an Huricane here in Florida, so please keep sending me recomendations this way, I want to keep searching/learning what amp will be best for the Dalis.I want by the time the huricane is gone, had found my amp. 
Monoblock Suggestion?
Thanks Ramy.By the way, the heavier the better for me :) 
Monoblock Suggestion?
Price range won't really matter if I can get the true potencial of the speakers. I want to spend about $7K .I'm looking for a good looking unit if possible. dynamics are also important since I'm gona use it for homethater as well. 
which monoblock
any more suggestion? 
which monoblock
Thanks Merge03 
which monoblock
Keep them coming! 
Dalis Euphonoa MS5 vs Sonus faber Cremona vs it a coincidence or fate, that I was looking at the Wilson benesh myself today when I received my stereophile magazine.who Is a dealer anyway of those speakers? 
Dalis Euphonoa MS5 vs Sonus faber Cremona vs
Any help from the experts 
What is the Best DVD
Dalis Euphonoa MS5 vs Sonus faber Cremona vs
nobody dares yet? 
which monoblock
Merge any specific monoblock amp you might susgest? 
which monoblock
Audiobugged you are more than welcome, to let me know your thoughts once you audition all that gear,And the rest of you guys, thanks a lot for your inputs.Any other susgestion?