
Responses from armandito

which monoblock
Thanks Guys.any expeience with Pass amps? I would like to place the amps close to the speakes as possble. Any other thoughts. 
which monoblock
Any help around here from the experts :) 
Best HT speaker system
What is the RBH company porschecab? 
B&W Nautilus or Dali Euphonia
Thank Ryder and Arthursmuck.May I ask you how good are they with the movies? Do you have pictures of your system? 
B&W Nautilus or Dali Euphonia
B&W Nautilus or Dali Euphonia
People dont have any imputs? ;( 
Whats is the the best?
I'm using a simaudio titan 7 amp and I just sold my krell HTS 7.1, wich I'm going to replace for for another krell, since the sound was unforgetable. 
Whats is the the best?
Well, at least, who does a better job ? 
Simaudio titan owners
Mark, I want to thank you for taking your time to explain your idea.Once again thank you very much. Armando 
What in wall speaker?
I just found, what I think is what I was looking for,the name is FINAL SOUND. Electrostatic speaker and can be hang on the wall.Anybody have heard of them,Look that they sound sweet. 
What in wall speaker?
Thanks for the inputs,Any other person care to coment? 
Simaudio titan owners
Thanks a lot Guys.:) 
What cable to use with KRELL
anyone care to add anything? 
What cable to use with KRELL
Thanks everyone, I just looking for a good power cord,that's all. I'm not looking for nothing out of this world. I just wanted to have a second opinion maybe from Krell owners and others in general about wich power cord will likely to work best wi... 
What cable to use with KRELL
any other experince?