
Responses from audiodynamo

Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Thank You Bobby and everyone else posting on this board and the Pubul57 board on Best Of.I'm blown way by the beautiful humanity of the audiogon community. Not to diminish the any other posters in the least but I am glad to hear from Bobby.Paul ta... 
Pubul57- audiophile, philosopher, and friend
Paul truly was a student of audio, his passion was never quenched. I can only express my deep thanks to all who have posted these loving tributes, I know all of his family and friends appreciate your thoughts and comments.I can feel Paul smiling s... 
Pubul57- audiophile, philosopher, and friend
Paul truly was a student of audio, his passion was never quenched. I can only express my deep thanks to all who have posted these loving tributes, I know all of his family and friends appreciate your thoughts and comments.I can feel Paul smiling s... 
Pubul57- audiophile, philosopher, and friend
I know this family is aware of how important Audiogon was to Paul, and I also know that they now know how important Paul's contributions have been to so many on Audiogon. I miss him alot, and I know that everyone that cared about him appreciates a... 
Pubul57- audiophile, philosopher, and friend
There was a long thread about the lightspeed attenuator and passive pres that Paul started in 2010.Thanks again to all who have taken the time to acknowledge Paul's passion for audio. Its very touching to me and his family and other friends.If we ... 
Pubul57- audiophile, philosopher, and friend
I'm overwhelmed by all the responses. Ill be sure to share it with his family. Really overwhelmed. Thank you all. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
This thread truly has a life of its own! I regret to inform all those who may have followed this discussion for the past two years that my friend and fellow Audiophile Paul Rosenthal who is known to you as Pubul57 has passed away suddenly earlier ... 
Maryland,Wash.DC Metro area
I would like to participate as well and live in Baltimore. May have a few extra people as well. 
Looking for a cd player with analog or digital vol
Thank You. I had thought of cary and Theta, but not linn. I appreciate the input.Amp is an Aronov integrated, I just want some form of remote volume control.Thanks 
Maryland,Wash.DC Metro area
Did anyone ever start anything. 
Why the lack of interest in Accuphase?
Thanks for alll the great advice, and the interesting posts.