
Responses from audiomax

Marketed to death
No problems with Fedex here. Still using UPS occasionally. 
Which Lyra Helicon?
0.4mv is a more practical choice. The lower output version is called "SL" and output is rated at 0.22mv not 2.3mv. Unless your future phono preamp has AT LEAST 80db of gain (very hard to find these days new or used) then you may consider the 0.22m... 
Primare A30 vs. Plinius 8200
The Primare A30 is less in power at 100wpc but much more refined sounding than Plinius. Build quality is also better than Plinius. 
new cary v12 needs new music
How about Kevin Mahogany's "Seft Portrait"? Cyrus Chestnut was featured in one of the tracks. This is a must own jazz vocal CD in my opinion. Happy listening! 
Clearaudio ref phono - any reviews or comments?
I have a client that's looking for same piece as you are.I'm being told by our Clearaudio's US Distributor Musical Surroundings that the Reference phono stage is not available in the US (it means they don't bring it in) but I'm not sure if your de... 
EAR V20 question maybe tubes question?
"When the volume control is used, there is audible hiss/scratch coming from the speakers"sounds to me like a dirty pot. Suggest to get a bottle of Caig Progold contact cleaner. The V20 is no doubt an outstanding integrated when matched with speake... 
CAT or BAT????
Copland CTA301 mkII vs. Copland CTA 305 anyone?
Keep the Copland CTA301 MKII (with or without remote). 
Sibilance how do I get rid of it?
This is a tough one to solve. Nothing in your system can I point a finger at except possibly the solid state amp and the silibant and harshness from your software. A switch to vinyl front end would definitely help. 
Integrated amp with mc-phono.
Unison Research UNICO 80WPC Hybrid Integrated Amp with optional MC card ($1395) to drive very low output MC cartridge (0.3mv). 
Need Help With Cartridge Re-tipping
VAN DEL HUL via STANALOG AUDIO IMPORT (ask for George) 518-843-3070. Brothers via Needle Doctor 1.800.229.0644 (ask for Jerry Raskin). Micro via MUSICAL SURROUNDINGS 510•420•0379 ... 
Where's My Bass?
Without knowing the (1) amp power rating, it's hard to identify why your set up is lacking of bass. Besides those, the (2)room size, (3)position of speaker are the two most important factors that directly affect the bass response. Cables, tubes, a... 
Tube pre-amp for Bryston 4BST?
EAR 834L tube line stage (black $1295, deluxe gold $1595) is another good option. Also I second Dudeaudio on the Copland 301MK 2 as this is a killer tube preamp with decent phono stage. Blue Circle BC21 (6SN7 based) sounds wonderful and works well... 
What's better 100w class a or 200w class ab?
Try to find out what's the peak and continous current rating of each. Select the one with highest current capability. Most of the time the high current pure Class A amp will outperforn the low current high wattage Class A/B amp. 
What is the next Phono Pre-Amp for me?
I second Marakanetz's recommendion on the Herron VTPH MC version. The PH3 SE is a little analytical sounding unit for my tast and you must have MC cartridge with minimum 0.4mv (or 0.5mv if you want to stay on the safe side) or more in order to wor...