
Responses from audiomax

Phono Stage: EAR 834P VS JLTi
What is the JLTi? pricing and a short description? MM/MC?Tube or SS? Otherwise, you should have gone with 834P. 
Best 1m Interconnect under $100
JPS Ultraconductor 
The key is to avoid to tell them DON'T TOUCH. No matter what way you mention it they would feel uneasy to stay at your place.Disassemble the whole system and put them in the corner with drap cover it. 
Audio Debt?
OK. Let's be honest here..How many of you who have answered to this thread bought a piece of audio equipment more than $500,$1000,$2000,$3000,$5000,or $10000 and pay cash for it? 
Audio Debt?
It's really depending on how much that piece of equipment costs. If I want a $6000 S.O.T.A cd player that outplays my phono rig, I wouldn't mind to go into debt... 
Am I spending too much money?
The sad truth is once you're bitten by the high end bug, spending money is never too much. I can spend $10K on product that I thought "bang for the buck". 
What gives with Sutherland Engineering?
Contact Acoustic Sounds at 1-800-716-3553 and you'll find out.They sell Sutherland product. 
Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment
How about Overkill Audio? Yankee Audio? Outlaw Audio? 
taming female voice
Speakers are fine.Tube integrated is fine providing that tubes are in good shape (tested well)The main problem is your DAC or transport or both. 
Is anyone familiar with Pluto tonearms?
Only with the price. EXPENSIVE!! 
Best HT Speaker "package" for under $2500??
You can take a look at NHT Revolution Series.For 5.1 set up:3 M5s for Front speakers ($500 ea.) (box speaker)2 L5 for rear speaker ($500 ea.) (on-wall)SW10 active sub ($500 ea.)Total package $3000.If you work with your local NHT dealer, I'm sure t... 
Thoughts On The PMC OB1?
outstanding speakers in terms of performance. However, I won't spend 10K for such an ugly box. 
Best HT Speaker "package" for under $2500??
5.1,6.1,7.1,8.1,9.1,or 10.1? 
Joule vzn 80 or 100 for merlins?
Do those Dehavilland monos use OTL tubes like Stargates or VZN80? 
Joule vzn 80 or 100 for merlins?
answer to Tabl10s is yes.