
Responses from barbapapa

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Yes you can, (ha-hum...)In the pre I have 3 Ecc83 ,2 E188cc, 1 12bh7,1 Ef86  and in the amps I have :2 Ecc83,2 Ecc82 in each mono amp (and 12 El34)if Iinstall Telef everywhere the sound is not good. when I was young and crazy audiophile I tried. B... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I have tubes too and I appreciate Telefunken in the pre, but you have to be carefull and don't put them everywhere as the sound can become a bit harsh.Especially when you don't install good aftermarket fuses. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I like this thread when it speaks about fuses ( reds, blacks, Audio magic and all'of them) and what they do or don't on our systems, but I hate the debate : it can't work from people who never tried them but constantly comes back in this thread tr... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I trust Wolf when he says he heard nothing. I don't have any doubts about his listening capability. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
+1 Jim. They are certain to be 'unknowns geniuses but we al know for sure they are stupid and useless. 
Recommedations for bestt interconnects for phono cable inputs at $100 or less
Duelund DCA20GA shielded.  if you are able to to it yourself you can buy the cable, the shield and Switchcraft RCAs at Parts Connexions.I just bought one myself (all done by Parts Connexion as I am not skilled).Terrific 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
"Did my ex wife start posting here?"THAT is funny.As for the fuses I have 2 types of aftermaket in my system : SR Blacks and Beeswax SHD. I like both but I find the Audio Magic better for my taste in my system. A bit less spectacular but more glob... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
This thread has been great for a  long time. Partly because Oregon papa was kind and clever enough for keeping calm and and answer with humour on the 2 or 3 that never listenned to aftermarket fuses but try to turn the ones who listen and want to ... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
So your advice is I have to keep the Torus (that's what I will do anyway) and ad the CPT I can as funds allow ?  
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
@MarkI have a Torus AVR16 CE that feeds all my gear (tube monoblocks amps, pre, TT, tuner and DAC + Drive).  I'm happy with that but as a little bit obsessive ,ha hum, I ask myself if a bit of balanced power between my gear and the Torus could bri... 
Duelund DCA16GA
The Duelund DCA16GA replaced my HiDiamond HD8 as speaker cable between my Air Tight ATM3 and my Analysis Audio Epsilon speakers.The difference ? More real music.  
Do you clean your records before play, after play, or once (and then never again)?
I first used L'Art du Son on my Keith Monks. Then I used Walker 4 Steps enzymes and the Keith Monks fluid for re-clean from time to time. After that I tried AIVS and liked it better than Walker especially for a less "dry midrange".now I have bough... 
Time to choose: Baerwald, Lofgren, Stevenson ?
Lewn,Maybe you are right by the way. I had the Unidin curve for 3 days but it still is a short time. Yesterday the Loefgren was used with the same records for a first comparo. I admit I have been a bit impatient. Now I want to stay a few weeks wit... 
Time to choose: Baerwald, Lofgren, Stevenson ?
I have a Smartractor for a few days now and settle the Uni Din with good results. Today I changed the curve and trief the Loefgren B (DIN) and I clearly prefer the latter.I listen mainly classical music and I find the flow of music more natural to... 
Need advice on what to look for in a turntable - budget $6K to $10K
Why not a T-W Acustic GT ? Whose who bought it think it is a very good value by itself and for the price. With a good arm I rhink it drops in your budget.