
Responses from bashkin001

Review: Totem Acoustics Model 1 Monitor
Dear Gonglee3: You are correct, of course. But please note that the HK CD change is my source of last resort (but greatest convenience); it also is now upsampled to 96 kHz, though maybe for no great reason. The single CD Rega Planet (older model) ... 
Review: Totem Acoustics Model 1 Monitor
Peter S:You are correct; these were not the Signature model. 
Review: Totem Acoustics Model 1 Monitor
Art and Tw1, thanks for the kind words. Sorry about the typos.Art: I have heard Thiel's in shops, including the 1.5 and 2.2. I never heard a Thiel I didn't like. In fact, when I bought the (demo) Totems through an Audiogon dealer, I was simulaneou... 
Acurus A200 vs Adcom 5800
I have not heard the Adcom 5800. I own an Acurus A250 (which is basically the same as the A200), powering Totem Model 1 biwires via an Audio Research hybrid preamp. This combination gives a wonderfully musical sound, with great accuracy. Many non-... 
Golden Tube Preamp Woes Revisited
My SEP-1, which sounded great, died a slow death. The volume started fading out, but would jump back to normal if I switched back and forth to mute, which I initially assumed was a switch oxidation problem. Then it wouldn't give any sound at all. ...