
Responses from bbarden45

Music Server Recommendation
I've looked at the SGC builds and they appear to be nice computers, but again, they do little/nothing to differentiate themselves from a standard PC or NUC.  I've asked on other forums for something that makes them different and have not been able... 
Music Server Recommendation
Let's keep sharing what is collectively found.  I'm sure there are some small US-based makers of audio servers that would be easier for us to test in house, it's just a matter of finding them - like Pink Faun of the states. 
Music Server Recommendation
I agree, the Melco hardware appears very well done, alas it does not run Roon Core software. I too am willing to give up the convenience of Roon but whatever replaces it must have the same functionality that I use in Roon, and a brilliant interfac... 
Music Server Recommendation
Regarding Wolf, they don't speak to anything they've done or changed about the hardware to differentiate it from say a NUC (at least I can't find it on their website) vs. Antipodes that goes to great lengths to detail their philosophy and what the... 
Music Server Recommendation
I’m in a similar position, running Roon ROCK on a PC into Matrix X spdif 2 USB>I2S into DS. Sounds pretty darn good but wonder how much more a proper server would improve things.   Adding the Matrix DDC really cleaned up the USB signal allowing... 
Music Server Recommendation
Have you considered the Pink Faun music servers?