
Responses from bjg

Music Server - The Search Begins
I’m a fan of separating my storage from my Dac and my renderer / player - that way - the individual components can be upgraded or replaced if needed.   I’m very happy with a dedicated QNAP server networked in another room - many size choices - you... 
This is juvenile...
If I didn’t have to hear the singing - or if you can actually call her a singer ! I’d have to say Jennifer Lopez  
Help with advice for high end speaker cables for my system!
I should have mentioned above that I’m using the Deulund diy speaker cables with ML CLX and ML stage - with a pair of Spectron Mono Blocks & I’ll likely never buy another pair of OEM cables -With the IC’s I made - I used KLE Harmony rca ends a... 
Help with advice for high end speaker cables for my system!
Another vote for the Duelund diy route -  I tried this wire based on a lot of comments on this forum and others -  ended up selling a 1500.00 set of XLO signature speaker cables - and couldn’t be happier - have since built some IC’s and replaced K... 
"The End of The Road"
It’s a very long road and you never know what’s going to run across in front of you.  I thought a pair of ML CLX - with a pair of ML Descent I subs was it -  so I threw out the boxes -  Still very happy with everything I’ve built around these spea... 
Best used speakers under $10000
Like the Vandersteen's they miss the size restrictions & WAF may be an issue. Martin Logan CLX are hard to beat with most of the other criteria mentioned and can be had for less than 10K -- add a sub and they are fabulous  
Pre and Amp Suggestions
I can second the Spectron class D amps - start with a single unit and add a 2nd one when funds allow for a mono block set up with tons of power - add a Modwright LS36.5 dual mono preamp to provide a tube flavour and you have a great match - especi... 
How do I find an audio advisor who does home consultations?
I went through this a few years ago - I posted an ad on Canuck Audio and had a quick response from a very knowledgeable audiophile that was willing to help me out if I covered his gas expenses for travel.  Needless to say I jumped at it and it pro... 
Which material sounds better for speakers construction? Wood, Ply or MDF?
Slightly off topic - but Martin Logan CLX have no cabinets and they certainly sound fine -  i think HDF makes the most sense if you are looking for consistency - eapecially when cut and prepared with CNC machinery - i dont see how they can match t... 
If you enjoyed that tt when you used it many years ago - and the rest of your gear is similar in quality ( in other words - you haven't had upgraditis for the past 30 years) -  then a new stylus is likely going to get you where you were - and that... 
Warm, lush and dark ... Dac up to 1.2K
+1 on Lampizator Amber   
Tech That Flopped!
Sony Betamax Spent a lot of time borrowing CD's from the library 35 years ago and putting 4 albums on a L750 tape - PCM digital taping on the cheap -  still have two players gathering dust  
which is better? Stereo Amp or Monoblocks?
Mono blocks proved best for me I had a chance to buy two spectron  fully speced out amps to drive a pair of ML  CLX that required a lot of voltage at higher frequencies -  I bought the first one to evaluate the performance and ran it on stereo for... 
Need suggestions please! Electrical noise in my system and it's driving me crazy!
I've had similar issues more than once -  the first time - I narrowed it down to the cable tv box -  so I just don't have it hooked up anymore -  but to nail it down - I removed every component from the system one at a time - power as well as any ... 
Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?
I have an LP12 that I bought about 18 months ago - and had most of it pretty much maxed out with upgrades -   Radikal power supply, standard Ekos tone arm (not se) Keele suspension Circus bearings etc.   I had it set up by a Linn dealer - and use ...