
Responses from bowenski

What power cable for DAC?
I would have to agree with the Audioquest NRG 3 recommendation. I'm sure there are other cables that would fit your needs, but I know first hand that the NRG 3 works well with the DL III. It is even touted as being designed for digital components.... 
can power cable help cure static problem?
Is "earth ground" the same as adding a ground isolation circuit. Usually any unwanted noises that occur when connecting video componentry goes right back to origin of incoming signal. I have always used a Mondial "Magic" ground isolation circuit a... 
Best power cords in the $250-$400 range?
I was always told to start with the amps ac cable first. Since all components work through that anyway. The better your amp is set up, the easier it will be to notice the improvements (and to what extent) made to other components.Without purchasin... 
Qualitative test of Auric Illuminator
I would have to agree with the original posting. I purchased the A.I. system a few years back and had good results. So good in fact, that now with many additions to my cd library I have ordered and used another set. The new marker works better tha...