

Responses from bryantdrew

Starting Over...Need help finding the perfect integrated to replace everything
Thanks so much. this should keep me busy for a bit. 
Starting Over...Need help finding the perfect integrated to replace everything
Sorry for the lack of details. I definitely want used. My budget for an integrated is capped at 4300.00. I think the Tannoys are somewhere around 91 or 92db but it takes some balls to make them do what they are supposed to. I think they are closer... 
Question .. I hear a loud pop through speakers every couple minutes when playing vinyl
Thanks so much. I re-grounded everything and so far it has been behaving. Good tip with the record preserver. I am going to pick some up. If the pop does reappear I will contact Tom who is ATA and see what the next step should be as well as swap o... 
Good cartridges around 500 usd?
I had an ATOC9III and it punched way above its weight. What turntable do you have. You should check out the specs on the tonearm and try to find something that is a good match from a compliance stand point. If it is off it can make a good cartridg... 
Looking for some recommendations about preamp options
Thanks George and Stringreen. I have a Schiit headphone amp that is mediocre at best and for some reason that has turned me off a bit on the Schiit line in general. I know that is unfair and I am probably missing out on some of their better produc... 
Looking for some recommendations about preamp options
I think I might do that. have you compared your LS25 to a 26 by chance? 
AudioTechnica ART 9 users - break in, VTF/VTA and loading questions
Just curious how  the ART measured up against the zyx. ? My Art9 is so sensitive. Every little variation changes the sound a great deal. I think this is a good thing for those that care. This is my first cartridge in the "super" cart range so it m... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
Got my ART9 less than a week ago. Upgraded from the OC9III and what an upgrade it is. I kind of sit there in awe at what I hear coming out of my speakers. Such a fun yet accurate cartridge. Still breaking in. The lows and mids sound perfect. The h...