

Responses from bullitt5094

Do I have to spend $4000 plus to get a better sounding speaker than GET model 7 ?
B&Ws have been mentioned a few times as a comparison in this thread. I had the Tekton DIs sideline my B&W 804s. It isn't even close. Especially after the DIs now have a bunch of hours on them. But with just a few hours on them initially, i... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Just FYI... LTA is releasing upgraded Linerar power supplies for it's power amps similar to the upgrade available for the preamp. I know several of you are looking for tube amp solutions with the Tektons, so I thought I'd put that out there.  
Tekton Preview / Audition in Minneapolis
I can tell you they sound much better in every way than my long loved B&W 804s if that helps any. I was surprised and continue to be amazed.  
Tekton Double Impacts
Vitop, we are OK. Living a new community has it's advantages in drainage design. Plus the HT is on the second floor if things really get bad. The Tektons will be safe! LOL. I exchanged emails with Evolvist and he is fine too. Glad you're OK.  
I guess I have to sell my Tekton Enzos
So taking this a step further... Eric told me the Ulfs are far superior in sound to the DI upgrades I have. I have a hard time believing anything could sound that much better after living with the DIs for a while. But I certainly believe Eric and ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
evolvist, vitop, is the NW Houston Audio Society keeping it's head above water. Just want to be sure you guys are OK.  
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
I too doubted the Tekton "hype". I purchased and put the DI on trial against my long loved B&W 804s in my home. The DIs were clearly superior at less than half the price. I now have the Ulfs on order from Eric. Some of us backup our first-hand... 
Tekton Double Impacts
+1 Buds. I don’t feel the similar placement of mine are causing any problems. I trust Eric to know his own product’s capabilities. And as to the earlier inference that as a vendor Eric may suggest things just to sell more products... two things. F... 
Tekton Double Impacts
"When I spoke to Eric he said maybe a foot from the front and side walls, and said that he wouldn't make a claim that any more distance would do much good. " That re-enforces what Eric told me. Since I have the Ulfs on order, I'm hoping Eric i... 
Tekton Double Impacts
And my DIs match my car too. Ford Black.  
Tekton Double Impacts
I had the 8 vs 4 ohm discussion with Eric very early on. Eric does not like to build 8 ohm speakers. He thinks it's old technology and it subverts all his efforts to make the speakers as efficient as possible, if I remember the conversation correc... 
Tekton Double Impacts
So you have Ferrari red speakers being delivered without your wife's knowledge? Let us know who gets the speakers in the divorce settlement. :-) 
Tekton Impact Monitors
Thought we were talking about this... http://www.tektondesign.com/impact-monitor.html 
Tekton Impact Monitors
I actually have some B&W DM602s I use for my desktop speakers. You can point those anywhere, but I wouldn't consider them in the same class with either the B&W 8s or the Tektons. 
Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering
missioncoonery Eric's return policy is very generous. Especially when evaluated against the industry standards. As a manufacturer, you wouldn't want to expose yourself to customers with no intention to purchase. When you ship something to someone,...