
Responses from camadeco

Digital RCA vs AES/EBU connections
These are all very interesting responses. Hopefully mine, although not in agreement will offer some, will offer additional insight. I started with MIT T3 RCA cable from CAL Alpha/Delta. Replaced with XLO 4.1 w/AES-EBU connector. Dramatic improveme... 
Best Retailer Youve Done Business With?
There are three audio dealers in the little town of Mt. Kisco, NY. Audio Outlet is the premiere store for service, selection and price. Frank and Mike have gone overboard to make me welcome and comfortable. Moreover, Audio Outlet is the best high ... 
24/96 where to buy?
CDNOW.COM also stocks Chesky, JVC, etc. But, you need to be careful of how you search their site. Be specific about label/artist info. 
Integrated tube amplifier - finest ?
In contrast to Mfgrep stellar review of the CJ, I found it to be very slow and colored. I auditioned the CJ a/b to the Mesa Tirgis, which, in my opinion, was far superior to the CJ. However, I purchased the Copland CTA-402 which was very close to ... 
integrated tube amp for $1000.00 clams
There isn't one! Certainly not with a phono stage included. MAYBE, you could find a SF Anthem (not sure about phono) used for under $1k, and this is still a hybrid. The Jolida has limited inputs and no phono. 
Best way to clean vinyl ???
I have found some success with the Orbitrac II unit. Available from Needledoctor. com, and/or Cost is $35.00 plus shipping. I agree with all above on the NittyGritty/VPI, but much more expensive. When they come ... 
Best small/monitor/bookshelf speakers?
Is it me or is everyone ignoring the B&W 302DM?? 
Dynaudio 1.3SE and Proac 1SC
I owned the 1SCs for about 18 months. I was driving these with the Densen Beat 100 integrated, 60wpc. I auditioned both of these A/B at the dealer. The Dynaudio are a bit more analytical and more bass. However, the 1SCs won me over with their tran... 
Best intergrated amp. for US$800
Hey guy, I just looked through the ads on this site. There is a myriad of great integrateds all of which I have listed before. There is a Densen, Classe, Sim and Niam among others. I owned a Beat 100 and loved it. Only sold to move to a Copland CT... 
intergrated tubed amp under 2000
I can point you to a pre-owned Copland CTA-401, 32wpc class A w/phono for under $2k. Call 914-766-2553 if interested. 
Classe Cap 151 vs Krell Kav 300i
I have heard both of these integrateds and can tell you in no-uncertain terms that the Densen D-10 is a MUCH better sounding piece. Granted, it's half the power output, but will drive the SFs easily. There's one on Ebay now with optional phono. If... 
Mesa Tigris - Opinions Requested
I auditioned three integrateds; C-J CAV50, Densen Beat 100 and the Tigris. The Tigris was the best, hands-down. However, I purchased the Beat because it was a very close second at half the price. Please see my ad selling the Densen if your interes...