
Responses from causa_sui

APL NWO-2.5T A Review of a Classic CD Player
Puremusic, I appreciate your effort and mean no disrespect. However, in this era where everything seems to be "hyped" and "oversold" I, for one, want to express the caution that if everything we like becomes a "classic" simply because we choose to... 
APL NWO-2.5T A Review of a Classic CD Player
Puremusic, in your first paragraph you say that you are "confident" that the NWO-2.5T is destined to become a "digital classic". In the last paragraph you are saying the (new) "digital classic" has been smurfed by something better and needs an upg... 
PC-Audio vs. High-end CD Player-GAME OVER
Heard the same predictions being made when SACD arrived. Yet CD still lives! I am a EA user. Some hifi friends of mine (when over) prefer EA playback, some do not. I agree with Psacanli: it aint over till its over.