
Responses from classerich

Is it time to just quit?
I’m a LURKER , how can I lurk if no one posts? The advice that I have received far exceeds the ones that I could give. Keep buying , keep experimenting, keep reviewing, keep posting and saving me tons of money. Thank You 
Tube DAC with solid state pre and solid state amp
I'm using a Tri-Vista 21 with a Wyred 4 Sound Mpre and Mamps . Very happy. 
Mahavishnu Orchestra fans...?
Miles Davis-Bitches Brew started me into Fusion 
Squeezebox Classic - Do you like it?
I use a tri-vista with mine and coudn't be happier. 
Aerial 6 or 7B ? Nearfield listening. Thanks.
I have the 6's and think they sound the best bi-wired.