
Responses from cmpromo

Sorry, yet another
If you have the room, you might look at a pair of used Dunlavy SCIVA's. They do everything you mention extremely well with a soundstage thats 9 feet tall and 20 feet wide. The bass will slam your chest in if its on the recording, Imaging is pinpoi... 
Favorite Music When Having Sex
Ive been trying Al DiMeola's Race With Devil On A Spanish Highway but I have yet to make it past 20 seconds into the song. Of course 20 seconds is about my limit anyway. 
Review: Systrum Speaker stands & equipment platform Stand
Warrens system... $21,000 Digital camera... $200 Come on man! Peace Brotha,Chris 
Room dimensions: which Paradigm should I get?
Gregcagle said " AGAIN, My question here is wether to get the Paradigm Studio 100 v3 or Studio 60 v3". Just for the record Greg I also had the 100's in a very large room with a 100 watt amp and they still... rocked 
Room dimensions: which Paradigm should I get?
Get the 100's, Youll be glad you did, much better bass response. I dont know what Sean's talking about, my room isnt much bigger than yours and I have huge speakers. In fact, when I owned the 100's they were in a smaller room than yours and they r... 
noise with Sonic Frontiers T3 and P3
I would try and find out if the problem is coming from one particular channel. If it is, start switching your tubes (two at a time) until you hear the noise in the other channel. Then you will have your culprit. 
Best CD player now made.
Sorry resolution audio gang. I replaced my 55 with the Electrocompaniet emc-1 mk2 and there is no contest. 
RCA to pass X150?
I love my sonic frontiers line-3 with my x-350. Its very neutral, not a warm preamp though. 
Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350
Im not sure of the particular model but it was a stereo amp, Im sure the monos are a step up. Of course the 350 is a step up from the 150 also. I guess its all system dependant too. 
Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350
Sorry for asking a simple question. Durbin, the only one in your list i've auditioned was Rowland and it was very nice, I just preferred the presentation of the Pass, it just sounded more natrual. Spectron is on my short list to audition as well a... 
Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350
I was not being sarcastic, I was asking a serious question. (Which you didnt bother to answer) The x-350 is easily the best amp to have graced my system and if there is better in the same price range, new or used, I would like to have your thought... 
Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350
Cdimi, What is a great amp for 4000 used that will better the x-350? And please tell me why. 
RCA to pass X150?
Scb6 is right on. Also, I seem to remember something about the Hovland and Pass having a very poor impedance match. A while ago I posted a thread on impedance matching. You might want to check it out. 
Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350
Im not a krell basher. Ive only owned one or their amps and didnt like it. I just felt compelled to respond to the bogus statement above. 
Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350
Either Jim's friends ears are broke or the x-250 was broke. I had the fpb 200 for a year and when I upgraded to a Pass I was mad at myself for living with that overpriced, unmusical, grainy amp for so long. I dont know why someone would make a bad...