

Responses from colekat

Rhode Island, Southeast Mass.
Anyone still out there? Is anything going on? Would be very interested in being involved, Tom 
Please help me find the right digital player
Try the Baetis, it is exactly what your looking for and sounds absolutely fabulous. Good Luck 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hey everyone, Where have you all been. I just set up my new Ypsilon Aleius Amps. They are Hybrid tube input stage, solid state output stage, zero negitive feedback. The D-02/P-02 is already more relaxed and these amps have only hours on them.Do an... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hey Opera Lover, Spent better part of yesterday doing a Ypsilon DAC 100 Esoteric D-02 comparison. I've had my D-02 a year now, and would say it is as broken in, settled in, etc. anyway it is "in". The D-02 is by far the best Esoteric I've have hea... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Guys, Its been awhile! Just checking in on your thoughts.... I have a chance to buy a pair of Acrolink 6300s, not the new series II, they are the originals. I wonder if I should pass on them, and go for the newest ones! Let me know what you thi... 
baetis media server
Hey Everyone, See The Absolute Sound, great review of the Baetis! 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Eelii, Do you think the 9300's would be worth the change for the D-02/P-02, or should I just bite the bullet and go straight to the 9500's. Although, the 9500's , I would have to bring in one at a time because of the cost. The 9300's I can get ... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Eelii, So far I have had great results with all your suggestions. I would love to give the 9500 PCs a try. I am a bit disappointed with the SR cords, I had hi hopes for them, but they are a pain in the ass to work with. I am hell bent on maximizin... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Eelii, Glad to hear from you! The baby is doing great, he is a jazz fan! As for the 9500's , thats great news. I am packing up the Synergistic Research Element stuff and sending it back, so the search continues. I'm trying to avoid the obvious,... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hi Pharma, I 'll be honest, I hope you perfer the Esoterics over the DCS stack, and the Solution for that matter. I'm surprised that the Vivaldi is so dependent on DCS component synergy. But then The Esoterics also seem to like being coupled withi... 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hey Eelii, Where are you? Your thread is on fire! Hows the 9500's? Look forward to hearing back feom you. 
New Esoteric P02 D02
Hey Pharma, Glad your out there. Can't wait to hear your impressions of the new D1/P1. As for resale, 50 percent back on purchase is pretty good to me, espiecally digital, which is 40 to 50 percent off retail right out of the box. Look at Audiogon... 
Wow, this thread sat for almost three years. There isn't many subjects in high end audio more polarizing then the clock. Well I can say in my system the clock has had a HUGE effect! I have the Esoteric G-01 sync'd with the D-02/P-02. The combo sou... 
Esoteric K-03 or K-01
Hi Guido, Crossing threads here, Great to see someone who hears the K-01 as I have. There may be many great " deals" out there, that perform highly, but for taste, you can't beat the Esoterics for overall sound and flexibility, at not such a bad p... 
baetis media server
Hey guys, Its a tough sell, the whole World is USB centric now. Its amazing how easy we are sold on bad things, look at mp3, its the number 1 selling codec in the world. Hi rez through the S/PDIF is so much better than USB, but looking at the mark...