
Responses from colleycol

Speakers that sound like the Hyperion 938's
I would like to know this also. I emailed Hyperion but received no answer abut the speakers.Very interested in used 938 or 968s. 
Need help for preamp/amp to build around my 1.6s
Thanks for the response.I kind of figured that I would need to probably go CJ or Audio Research vintage for the best results.I may go over budget with a tube amp that can power my Maggies though. 120-150 tube watts should power them fine I think.W... 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
Thanks guys.I can see how a time/money investment is very necessary for this hobby to work. I have been concentrating so much on HT that I have been missing the possibilities that 2 channels offers.So here is my plan (please don't hold back!):1. P... 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
Man, I have a lot to learn about setting these things ups and tweaking. Cleaning and storing for longevity.I will say I have decided to go ahead and buy one for myself. I am in Seattle and I hear we have a couple of nice record stores to buy from.... 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
Wow, what a great forum. I thought had all the experts!!!Ok..What makes a good turntable etc..? I know constant speed and no resonance issues. What else should I look for?Also should I buy only 180/200g reissues or look at older recor... 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
Thanks for the great discussion.Im a mechanical engineer by trade, so I think the tinkering may be something that I can deal with.I hears a system in the store I bought my maggies from playing vinyl on a turntable for an INCREDIBLE price, many tim...